E-ISSN 2707-0603 | ISSN 1999-6527

Author's Rights and Obligations

Author's Rights and Obligations

·      The Authors hold full copyright and self-archiving rights free to use links to published articles and share the published article.

·      The authors reserve a right to archive their articles in private or public archives.

·      The authors must declare that their manuscript has novelty and must mention contributions to the research and report to the editors of any conflicts of interest.

·      The author should certify that the manuscript has not previously been published or submitted to another journal.

·      The authors are obliged to get ready to correct mistakes and must report any mistake detected in their published article to the editor. Criteria for accurate manuscripts must be provided through clarity of the aim, the data should be represented accurately in the manuscript.

·      The manuscripts must be promoted with work details as well as with contemporary references. May the results are found fake or plagiarized, they will be considered unethical and result in refusal. 

·      Manuscripts describing research on domestic or wild animals require approval from Institutional or National Animal Care and Use Committees.