E-ISSN 2707-0603 | ISSN 1999-6527

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement :

Al-Anbar Journal of Veterinary Sciences promotes transparency, ethical conduct, and responsible research practices. Authors should prioritize data availability and adhere to ethical guidelines to enhance scientific rigor and credibility.

The Editorial Board has taken the necessary activities to find and prevent misconduct publications. The editors will take appropriate action in cases of suspected or proven scientific misconduct, fraudulent publication, or plagiarism. Authors should render the data accurately in the manuscript and should be prepared to correct errors. The results that are fake or stolen are unethical and refused and complete retractions of the published article. The authors must declare that their manuscript is original work and must mention contributions to the research and report to the Editors any conflicts of interest.  as well as not allowing authors to submit the same manuscript to more than journals.

 Data Falsification and Fabrication: Data falsification involves manipulating research data to create a false impression. This includes altering images, removing outliers, changing or omitting data points, and other deceptive practices.

If questions arise about data integrity during or after the peer review process, the Editor may request anonymized underlying study data from the author(s) for verification. If the original data cannot be produced, the manuscript may be rejected or, in the case of a published article, retracted. Suspected cases of misconduct will be reported to the author(s) institutions.

Bias and Conflict of Interest: The manuscripts must be free from biases and conflicts of interest. Authors must declare any potential conflicts of interest that may influence the interpretation or presentation of the data.

Authorship conflict

The conflict of authorship for the manuscript. It happens due to double-authorship, multi-authorship, corresponding author and group authorship. The editorial board is not responsible for solving any conflict of authorship during the process of submission of the article, and this conflict responsibility is of the authors to resolve it.

Ethical approval of animal research

The manuscripts that are conducted on the animal (domestic or wild animals)  require ethical approval from Institutional or National Animal Care and Use Committees. The ethics must be conducted under international and institutional rules. It must be shown that the work satisfies the requirements outlined in the guidelines and adheres to good management practices for veterinary care.

Sanctions: If misbehaviour is proven, the proper measures will be taken, which may include retracting the published article, informing pertinent parties, and prohibiting future contributions.