E-ISSN 2707-0603 | ISSN 1999-6527

Research Article

Online Publishing Date:
15 / 06 / 2024


Efficacy of Novel Antimicrobial Therapies for Treating Staphylococcus Infections in Wistar Rats

Noman D. Salih.

The novel semisynthetic lipoglycopeptide dalbavancin has enhanced antibacterial action against a wide range of gram-positive bacteria. This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of dalbavancin in treating Staphylococcus Infections in Wistar Rats. Anaesthetized wistar rats had a Kirschner-wire and a clinical MRSA isolate placed into their proximal tibia. Twenty animals were given dalbavancin (20 mg/kg loading dose) throughout the course of four weeks after infection, or they were left untreated. Microbiological analysis was performed on tibial bones and Kirschner-wires twenty-four hours after the last treatment dosage. As opposed to control group, dalbavancin treated group showed improvement in quantitative bacterial cultures of osseous tissue. After four weeks of treatment with dalbavancin, there was no sign of an induced glycopeptide-/lipoglycopeptide-resistant strain.
In conclusion, in a rat study, dalbavancin effectively treated experimental implant-related MRSA osteomyelitis. The therapeutic effectiveness of dalbavancin in treating S. aureus infections needs more investigation; ideally, it should be studied in conjunction with biofilm active medicines.

Key words: Dalbavancin, MRSA, Osteomyelitis, Wistar Rats

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Pubmed Style

Noman D. Salih. Efficacy of Novel Antimicrobial Therapies for Treating Staphylococcus Infections in Wistar Rats. AJVS. 2024; 17(1): 35-41. doi:10.37940/AJVS.2024.17.1.5

Web Style

Noman D. Salih. Efficacy of Novel Antimicrobial Therapies for Treating Staphylococcus Infections in Wistar Rats. https://www.anbarjvs.edu.iq/?mno=203624 [Access: June 16, 2024]. doi:10.37940/AJVS.2024.17.1.5

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Noman D. Salih. Efficacy of Novel Antimicrobial Therapies for Treating Staphylococcus Infections in Wistar Rats. AJVS. 2024; 17(1): 35-41. doi:10.37940/AJVS.2024.17.1.5

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Noman D. Salih. Efficacy of Novel Antimicrobial Therapies for Treating Staphylococcus Infections in Wistar Rats. AJVS. (2024), [cited June 16, 2024]; 17(1): 35-41. doi:10.37940/AJVS.2024.17.1.5

Harvard Style

Noman D. Salih (2024) Efficacy of Novel Antimicrobial Therapies for Treating Staphylococcus Infections in Wistar Rats. AJVS, 17 (1), 35-41. doi:10.37940/AJVS.2024.17.1.5

Turabian Style

Noman D. Salih. 2024. Efficacy of Novel Antimicrobial Therapies for Treating Staphylococcus Infections in Wistar Rats. Al-Anbar Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 17 (1), 35-41. doi:10.37940/AJVS.2024.17.1.5

Chicago Style

Noman D. Salih. "Efficacy of Novel Antimicrobial Therapies for Treating Staphylococcus Infections in Wistar Rats." Al-Anbar Journal of Veterinary Sciences 17 (2024), 35-41. doi:10.37940/AJVS.2024.17.1.5

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Noman D. Salih. "Efficacy of Novel Antimicrobial Therapies for Treating Staphylococcus Infections in Wistar Rats." Al-Anbar Journal of Veterinary Sciences 17.1 (2024), 35-41. Print. doi:10.37940/AJVS.2024.17.1.5

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Noman D. Salih (2024) Efficacy of Novel Antimicrobial Therapies for Treating Staphylococcus Infections in Wistar Rats. Al-Anbar Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 17 (1), 35-41. doi:10.37940/AJVS.2024.17.1.5